29 September 2009


It is a hard work..

28 September 2009

25 September 2009

19 September 2009

Mmhh, Lecker!!

Lo bueno de vivir en el bosque es que este te ofrece miles de plantas comestibles.. y salvajes..
Solo hay que disponer de un poco de tiempo para la recoleccion..
Este es un magnifico ejemplo de una ensalada con plantas, semillas, frutas y verduras..
Bon appetit!!


15 September 2009

Reflections and Proyections about Love

The man heart is a musical instrument, contains a huge music. Slept, but it is there, hoping the appropriate moment to be interpreted, to be expressed, to be sung, to be danced. And it is through love that the moment arrives. A man without love never will know what music has been taking within its heart. He is only through love that music begins to take life, one awakes and he stops being a potential to become a fact.

Sources/ text Osho talking about love

08 September 2009

01 September 2009

Cumpleanios feliz

En el dia de mi cumpleanios vi seis salamandras de fuego.. regalo de cumpleanios