17 October 2010








On my path I found castles, lights, wind, sea..


In the beginning there is always hikers


Existential doubt


Let´s go to the woods!

13 October 2010

Roskilde promenade

Once upon a time was a town made up of points

26 September 2010

sentirse como en casa

22 September 2010

Leaves fall
ligth is gone
autumn is here

21 September 2010

The return of the Dragons

20 September 2010


19 September 2010

.. pink ..

10 September 2010

el desmayo

05 September 2010



Al norte encontrarás tesoros

03 September 2010

Kymatica film

01 September 2010

I am grateful to have been born

29 August 2010

Durante una semana el botón de disparo de mi camara de fotos estuvo bloqueado. Sentí un poco de preocupación. Probé muchas veces a arreglarlo. Nada. Hoy lo intenté de nuevo. Entonces escuché un "click" y grité "hurra". Esta, queridos, es la primera foto que tuve el placer de cazar, hermoso, no?

For a week the release button of my camera was locked. I had a little concern about it. I tried many times to fix it. Nothing. Today I tried again. Then I heard a "click" and I shouted "Hurrah." This, dear, is the first picture I had the pleasure of hunting, beautiful, isn´t?

Sunday siesta

and now if you need me I'll be sleeping under the umbrella

24 August 2010

Points of view

. from afar .

. and from below .

my van always drives me to amazings spots *)

23 August 2010

Había una vez
un pequenho caracol amarillo extremadamente valiente

Once upon a time was an extremely brave small yellow snail


. trees can think and who says otherwise is lying .

22 August 2010

Roskilde fjord tale

Era un puerto pequenito, y el espacio de mar que separaba la isla de tierra firme no es que fuera muy grande. Pero hacía falta una barca para llegar hasta allí. Y cada día la madre conduce hasta sus hijos al muelle. Mundos separados. Siempre he pensado que la gente de las islas tiene un caracter especial. Y cómo harán para comprar el pan o ir al cine?

Was a very small haven, and the area of sea that separated the island to the mainland is not to be very broad. But you needed a boat to reach over there. And every day the mother leads her children to the wharf. Worlds apart. I always thought that people of the islands has a special character. And how are they going to buy bread or go to the cinema?


. limpid air .

Un banco cualquiera