29 August 2010

Durante una semana el botón de disparo de mi camara de fotos estuvo bloqueado. Sentí un poco de preocupación. Probé muchas veces a arreglarlo. Nada. Hoy lo intenté de nuevo. Entonces escuché un "click" y grité "hurra". Esta, queridos, es la primera foto que tuve el placer de cazar, hermoso, no?

For a week the release button of my camera was locked. I had a little concern about it. I tried many times to fix it. Nothing. Today I tried again. Then I heard a "click" and I shouted "Hurrah." This, dear, is the first picture I had the pleasure of hunting, beautiful, isn´t?

Sunday siesta

and now if you need me I'll be sleeping under the umbrella